Data Sharing Plan (Gray Foundation)

This is a data sharing plan for a supported Gray Foundation project in Synapse. The goal of this document is to allow Contributors to provide important input for data management and help the DCC create a data management roadmap for all data across the consortium. Data coordination and governance activities will be based on information provided here. Note that limited parts of this plan can be modified throughout the course of the project (e.g. expected datasets may be added or removed).

The Contributors and Recipients participating in the Gray Foundation Collaborative agree to provide de-identified data for the purposes of collaborative research (e.g. general and health/medical/biomedical research) and share a commitment to the dissemination of scientific knowledge for the public good and to the advancement of scientific education. Data from common sample sets will be linked via a global unique identifier or another agreed-upon mechanism, but linked Data shall remain de-identified.

Data Sharing Phases

Data will be shared in three phases:

Private Phase

Data is accessible only the by Contributor and Contributor-designated individuals. This is the default configuration unless decided otherwise by the grant (e.g. certain pilot projects start in the Collaborative Sharing Phase).

Collaborative Sharing Phase

Curated Data is accessible by the “in network” investigators.

Public Sharing Phase

Data is accessible by the greater research community.

The DCC will confirm with the Contributors before any changes that move data sharing into the Collaborative Sharing Phase and Public Sharing Phase. These changes are usually made on a per-dataset basis, e.g. a specific collection of files can be upgraded from Private to Collaborative while others remain Private.

Help & Contacts

For help with interpretation, special considerations not able to be captured here, or other questions:

  • Schedule a meeting with Christina Conrad, Data Manager, at this link.
  • Reach out to
Study Information

Datasets to be Deposited

Details about expected datasets. Dates and samples can be estimates.

Governance Information

Contributor Agreement

  • All data and material were collected pursuant to and in accordance with protocols approved by an IRB or its equivalent
  • Data sharing is compliant with applicable US Laws, regulations and institutional policies
  • Data sharing is consistent with research participants’ informed consent process
  • Contributor has the legal authority to provide the data to the Gray Foundation DCC
  • Unless expressly restricted by Data Contributor in the Data Sharing form, permission is given to distribute data outside the Gray Foundation network for research use and secondary analysis
Contributor-specific Data Use Conditions

Contributors can define certain conditions for data use. Contributors should specify these Data Use Conditions, which will translate to governance controls when data is later released.